Free Your Voice! Understanding Performance Anxiety and Vocal Health at World Voice Day hosted by Duke Voice Care Center
Have you ever had trouble speaking or singing when the pressure was on? Has your voice been affected by stress or anxiety? You are not alone. Join Duke Voice Care Center for a free live webinar to discover tools for managing performance anxiety and vocal health. Learn skills to control your voice—so it doesn’t control YOU!
Guest speaker Ingela Onstad is a professional soprano, psychotherapist, and board-certified High Performance Coach for performing artists and other professionals in the public eye. Her coaching business, Courageous Artistry, helps public-facing professionals address the anxiety that holds them back from performing at their highest level. Visit her at CourageousArtistry.com.
Topics covered:
- Creating a routine to balance vocal and emotional health
- Relaxation strategies for your speaking and singing voice
- Effects of stress and anxiety on the voice and body
- Vocal warm-up exercises
- Managing your breath
Questions? WorldVoiceDay@Duke.edu
REGISTRATION REQUIRED. VISIT DukeHealth.org/WorldVoiceDay to register.